



Environmental Health Services
Many homes and apartments built before 1978 have lead paint or varnish on the walls, woodwork, windows, and floors. Lead can harm children. Children under six years old can easily be poisoned by dust or chips from lead paint. If they play near windows and other places with worn-out or damaged paint, they can get lead dust on their fingers and toys. When they swallow lead dust it can cause illness. It can also cause problems with learning, growth and behaviors that can affect them their entire life. Even small amounts of lead can be harmful. Children living or spending time in older homes should be tested for exposure to lead.
Health Department staff provide case management for children who have been lead poisoning. Any child residing in Pepin County with a blood lead level of 3.5 mcg/dL or above is eligible.
Services Available:
- Ongoing case management with a registered nurse
- Health assessment
- Growth and developmental evaluation
- Education about treatment and prevention
- Referrals to resources as necessary
- For children with two consecutive venous blood lead levels of 15 mcg/dL or higher, a referral will be made for an environmental lead investigation
Helpful Links:
- DHS - Look Out For Lead Pamphlet
- EPA - Renovation, Repair and Painting Program: Contractors
- EPA - Real Estate Disclosure Information
- EPA - Lead Safety Documents and Outreach Materials
- EPA - Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Childcare Facilities
- Wisconsin Occupational Health Laboratory - Lead Paint Analysis for Homeowners
Human Health Hazard Follow up and Enforcement
Following the guidance outlined in the Pepin County Chapter 10 Environmental Health and Sanitation, the Health Department follow up on all complaints related to reported human health hazards. The Health Department staff will investigate and provide abatement orders as appropriate.
Pepin County Chapter 10 : ***Link to revised ordinance to be added***
Radon Testing
Radon testing kits are available at the Pepin County Health Department for a small fee. Testing your home is the only way to know if you and your family are at risk for radon.
WI Radon Information Centers https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/radon/infocenters.htm
Private Well Water Testing
If you are pregnant or have an infant under 1 year, and the cost of testing a hardship, water testing is available at PCHD for fluoride, nitrates, and bacteriology.
For those who do not qualify, bacteriology testing is available at Pepin County Zoning for a fee.
DHS Water Quality Issues https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/water/index.htm
DNR Groundwater https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/Groundwater
DNR PFAS https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/PFAS
DNR High Water and Flooding https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/HighWater
DNR Surface Water https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/surfacewater
DNR Drinking Water System Portal
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) monitors public drinking water systems. A Public Water System (PWS) provides piped water to the public for human consumption. Wisconsin PWSs are regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). The site linked below allows you to query and download data from our database, the Drinking Water System (DWS), which is maintained and used by DNR SDWA regulators. https://apps.dnr.wi.gov/dwsportalpub
Food Safety and Recreational Licensing
The Pepin County Health Department protects the community’s health by ensuring that establishments, such as of bed and breakfasts, campgrounds, food establishments, lodging, recreational and educational camps, public swimming pools including water park attractions, and schools, are in compliance with respective laws.
All establishment inspections are conducted by an Environmental Health Specialist (EHS), who is nationally Registered Environmental Health Sanitarian. This professional works with establishment owners and managers each day to keep the environment and your food and drinks safe from harmful bacteria, viruses, physical hazards, and chemical contaminates. Interested in seeing a food establishment’s most recent inspection? Visit HealthSpace
Application Forms
License Application - Transient Retail Food Establishment - Only Prepackaged Foods
License Application - Retail Food Establishment- Not Serving Meals, Mobile
License Application - Retail Food Establishment- Serving Meals, Mobile
Retail Food Plan Review Application
License Application - Retail Food Establishment- Not Serving Meals
License Application - Retail Food Establishment- Serving Meals
License Application - Lodging and Recreational Facility
Special Event Application - Not Serving Meals
Special Event Application - Serving Meals
***Contact the Pepin County Health Department for more information at 715-672-5961***
Codes and Regulations
- Bed & Breakfasts
- Campgrounds
- Certified Food Manager
oCertified Food Manager Requirements
- Food
oTemporary Restaurant Guidelines
oCertified Food Manager Requirements for Small Service Operators
oFood Employee Illness Reporting Agreement
- Mobile and Transient Food Establishments
oChapter 9 Wisconsin Food Code
oChapter 10 Wisconsin Food Code
oMobile Food Service and Mobile Retail Food Establishments
- Lodging
- Recreational and Educational Camps
- Public Pools
oCleaning Up Body Fluid Spills on Pool Surfaces
oFecal Incident Response Recommendations
oSwimming Pool and Water Attraction Death, Injury and Illness Report
More Information for Pepin County
Pepin County Online Restaurant Inspection Details (Click bubbles to view facility types)