Community Health

Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) 2022-2027

Every 5 years, Pepin County Health Department conducts a Community Health Assessment and Improvement Plan (CHIP) for Pepin County. This is a national, comprehensive approach to assess community health, develop, and implement action plans to improve community health, and monitor results. In a CHIP, "health" is defined broadly and includes physical health, mental health, environmental health, and other areas that contribute to overall well-being.

CHIP engages key community members to systematically collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative health-related data from a variety of sources. The findings then inform community decision-making, the prioritization of health issues, and the development and implementation of action-oriented community health improvement plans.

The process includes the use of key stakeholders in the community to provide input. Individuals represent key sectors of the community, to include healthcare, government, nonprofits, business, education, faith-based organizations, and consumers, provides essential leadership over the five-year process. 

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