
Health Services

Access to Health Care

Badger Care Plus https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/badgercareplus/index.htm

Family Care https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/familycare/index.htm

Family Planning Only Services https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/fpos/index.htm

Forward Health: Free or Low-Cost Health Clinics https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/forwardhealth/clinics.htm

Wisconsin Well Woman Program https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/wwwp/index.htm

Animal Bite Management and Rabies Control

In collaboration with local law enforcement agencies, the Health Department conducts case management of animal bite cases involving humans. Bite incidents should be reported to local law enforcement who will issue the order of quarantine. The Health Department will conduct the follow up needed to determine if rabies prophylaxis is needed, to assure that the biting animal is properly quarantined, and that the owner of the biting animal completes the required veterinary exams.

WI DHS Rabies Information https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/rabies/index.htm

Communicable Disease Control

Pepin County tracks communicable diseases through an electronic reporting system linking the local, regional and state public health officials with private health care providers, hospitals, and labs. This allows for prompt investigation of possible outbreaks and unusual situations, and to implement control measures to minimize further spread of disease to others.

Feeling Sick? Report it Quick! Contact your primary provider, visit an urgent care or contact the health department to report communicable disease conditions.

A-Z Listing of Diseases and Conditions https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/disease/a-z.htm
Outbreaks, Recalls, and Investigations in Wisconsin https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/outbreaks/index.htm      


Vaccines for Children
The Pepin County Health Department offers free vaccines from Wisconsin Department of Health Services through the Vaccines for Children program. If you have questions or need to schedule an appointment, please contact us at 715-672-5961.

Who is eligible for the Vaccines for Children program?
Children less than 19 years of age are eligible if they:
Vaccines for children less than 19 years of age are available at no cost to VFC providers. This includes all vaccines approved by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. The vaccines currently available through the VFC program prevent against the following diseases:
  • COVID-19
  • Diphtheria
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Influenza
  • Measles
  • Meningococcal disease
  • Men B
  • Meningococcal Conjugate (MenACWY)
Vaccines for Adults
The Pepin County Health Department offers free vaccines from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Vaccines for Adults program. If you have questions or need to schedule an appointment, please contact us at 715-672-5961.
Who is eligible for the Vaccines for Adults program?
Adults aged 19 years and older who are uninsured or underinsured.
  • You are uninsured if you do not have private health insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare.
  • You are underinsured if you have health insurance, but it does not cover certain vaccines or it has a fixed dollar limit or cap for vaccines. Once that fixed dollar amount is reached, you are eligible for the VFA program
Contact us to discuss which vaccines are acurrently available through the Vaccines for Adults program.

Other Vaccine Information
CDC Traveler’s Health for disease and vaccination information. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/list
Recommended vaccination schedules for all ages https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/index.html 

Injury Prevention and Harm Reduction

Tobacco Prevention and Control
Pepin County is a member of the Western Wisconsin Tobacco-Free Alliance. The WWTFA is a tobacco prevention Alliance that covers seven counties across Western WI. Our Alliance is one of many across the State of WI that is funded by a grant through the WI Tobacco Prevention and Control Program, which works to prevent and reduce the death, disease and health care costs caused by commercial tobacco use. For more information, visit https://wwtfa.org/?page_id=323
Trying to Quit?
The WI Department of Health Services offers free help to quit commercial tobacco and nicotine. For information and support options, visit https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/tobacco/treatment.htm.
Narcan Distribution
The Pepin County Health Department is a participant of the WI DHS NARCAN® Direct Program. The program provides free NARCAN® for community distribution. The NARCAN® is given to agencies that serve people who are using opioids and people who may witness an opioid overdose. People receiving the free NARCAN® must attend a training hosted by a trainer associated with the NARCAN® Direct Program agency on how to identify an opioid overdose and how to use NARCAN® to reverse an opioid overdose. Call for an appointment to receive the training and a supply, 715-672-5961. 
Syringe Exchange Program
The Pepin County Health Department partners with Vivent Health to provide access to sterile needles and syringes, screening, care and treatment for viral hepatitis and HIC, and referrals to substance use disorder treatment programs. For more information, contact Vivent Health at 715-836-7710 or the Health Department at 715-672-5961. 
Sharps Disposal Program  
The Pepin County Health Department manages two permanent sharps drop boxes within Pepin County to assure the proper disposal and handling of discarded syringes, lancets, and other sharps. One unit is located in Durand at Tarrant Park and the other in Pepin at the Village Park.  
Child Passenger Safety Program
Staff from the Health Department provide car seat education and assistance with installation for all care givers with children riding in a car who are 12 and under. Trained as a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician, staff can problem solve to assure that the seat is properly installed, and it is appropriate for the child’s age, weight, and height. To make an appointment call 715-672-5961.
Poison Prevention 
Poison Control Hotline:  1-800-222-1222
Poison Control Website: www.poison.org 
Public Health Emergency Preparedness
Pepin County is a member of the Western Wisconsin Public Health Readiness Consortium (WWPHRC). The consortium was established in 2003 with funding from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention to develop core expertise and preparedness in response to bioterrorism, infectious disease outbreaks, and other public health threats.
The consortium supports members to develop local capacity needed to respond to all types of health emergencies. This is completed through networking, coordinating, standardizing, and centralizing resources among members.
Pepin County is also a member of the Northwest Wisconsin Healthcare Emergency Readiness Coalition. The HERC works to assure open communication between all area trauma centers, hospitals, long-term care facilities, public health organizations, emergency medical services, emergency management organizations and other healthcare providers to effectively manage resources. 
For more information about the WWPHRC and the working being done locally, visit https://www.wwphrc.org/ . For information about the NWW HERC, visit https://www.wiherc.org/.
Looking for an opportunity to volunteer? The Wisconsin Emergency Assistance Volunteer Registry (WEAVR), is a secure, password-protected, web-based volunteer registration system for health care and behavioral health professionals. Volunteers interested in filling critical response and recovery roles following a major public health emergency self-register and are the only ones that can update their information.
Based on the information collected from each volunteer, public health officials identify those professionals willing to fill the specific volunteer roles needed in an emergency. Public health officials use the WEAVR registry to generate a list of volunteers to be contacted. Those contacted will be given information on where to report and the role that is needed, as well as the option to accept or decline the opportunity. Training will be provided at the reporting site. 

Join WEAVR today! WEAVR is open to active and retired health care professionals and also welcomes behavioral health and animal health professionals. Visit https://weavrwi.org/ to apply. 

        More questions about WEAVR? See a list of Frequently Asked Questions.


Reproductive Health and Family Planning

Services are available to all individuals of reproductive age. We accept BadgerCare/Medicaid, Family Planning Only Services, and a sliding-fee payment scale is available based on family size and income. Private insurance is not accepted.

 Services Include:

  •     Birth Control methods/supplies (oral contraceptives, condoms, depo, nuva ring, nexplanon, IUD consult)
  •     Routine preventative exams
  •     Screening for Cervical Cancer (PAP)
  •     Emergency Contraception
  •     Pregnancy Testing
  •     Prenatal Vitamins
  •     Sexually Transmitted Disease/Infection (STI) Testing and Treatment


Expedited Partner Therapy - What is it? If you are diagnosed with an STI, healthcare providers can provide medication or a prescription for your partner without the need for an exam.

Family Planning Only Services Program https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/fpos/index.htm  


Tuberculosis Dispensary Program

The Pepin County Health Department participates in the WI DHS TB Dispensary program. The Wisconsin Tuberculosis (TB) Dispensary Program ensures that all persons in Wisconsin with suspected or confirmed tuberculosis infection or disease can receive appropriate evaluation, treatment, and monitoring, regardless of insurance availability. Contact with health department if you or someone you know needs medical care for active TB, latent TB infection (LTBI), and exposure to TB.