Birth to Three Services (early intervention program)

What is Birth to Three?

The first three years are the most important building blocks of your child's future. All families want their children to grow to their fullest potential, especially during this formative time. Some children who have developmental delays or disabilities need extra support. 

Wisconsin’s early intervention program is known as Birth to Three. The Birth to Three program is for children ages birth to 36 months. Birth to Three staff, trained in assessing the development, strengths, and needs of very young children, determine--along with parents--if a child is eligible for the program. The team will evaluate your child’s ability to:

  • learn (cognitive development);
  • move, see and hear (physical/motor development);
  • communicate and understand others’ communication (speech and language development);
  • respond to and relate with others (social and emotional development);
  • eat, dress and care for daily living needs (adaptive development). 


Birth to Three Services can include:


  • Developmental Screenings
  • Developmental Evaluations
  • Child & Family Education
  • Speech & Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Community Information
  • Related Health Services
  • Service Coordination

Once a child is enrolled, families work in partnership with staff to determine which services will best support their child's ability to grow, learn, and communicate. 


What Will It Cost?

Family income does not determine eligibility for Birth to Three. Developmental screening, evaluation, and service coordination are provided at no cost. Families who are able may be asked to share in a small portion of the cost of services. Medical Assistance and private insurance can be billed with family permission. Your service coordinator can help you with this process.


Who Can Make a Referral?

Anyone concerned with how a child is developing can make a referral to Birth to Three, such as parents, physicians, family members, child-care providers, school personnel, therapists, or other agencies.

